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America Recycles Day: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Monroe Mayor Jamie Mayo and the Monroe City Council are pleased to announce the observance
of America Recycles Day on Saturday, November 10, 2018. Area residents will be able to Reduce,
Reuse, and Recycle during an event at the Monroe Civic Center on that day. America Recycles
Day will be conducted in the north parking lot of the Civic Center from 9am to 1 pm.
The three area Keep Louisiana Beautiful affiliates, known collectively as Ouachita Green, are
sponsoring the event to promote recycling as well as to reduce the amount of trash going to area
landfills and being placed at roadside.
Recyclable items that will be accepted include: plastics, paper, and cardboard as well as electronic
waste such as computers, televisions and cell phones. People can reduce the amount of waste
going to the landfill by bringing white goods such as washers and dryers, tires and scrap metals.
The re-use component will benefit the Salvation Army with area residents being asked to donate
gently used clothing and shoes.
No oils, paints, pesticides or batteries will be accepted at this event. They can be brought in to the
Household Hazardous Waste Day event to be held in the Spring of 2019 as part of the Great
American Cleanup.
Ouachita Green members include Keep Monroe Beautiful, Keep Ouachita Parish Beautiful and
Keep West Monroe Beautiful.
Greg Smith, Keep Monroe Beautiful
Wayne Heckford, Keep Ouachita Beautiful
Aundi Brown, Keep West Monroe Beautiful