Citizen Support


Citizen Support

Council Clerk
Carolus Riley
The council appoints a clerk of the council who shall serve in such capacity at the pleasure of the council. The clerk shall be official secretary of the council, shall give notice of special or rescheduled council meetings to its members and the public, shall keep the journal of all council proceedings, and shall perform such other duties as are assigned to the position by the charter or by the council. The Council Clerks office is custodian of the City’s official records, including ordinances, resolutions, minutes of City Council and processes notices for publication etc.
Interim Internal Auditor
Yolanda Washington
The council appoints an auditor who is responsible solely to the City Council. The internal auditor shall perform audits of all offices, departments, boards and commissions of the City. These audits shall include but not be limited to the following determinations: Whether financial operations are properly conducted in accordance with standards for governmental accounting and general internal accounting controls. Whether the audited entity is in compliance with the Louisiana Constitution, City Charter, City Ordinances, and all other applicable laws and regulations. Whether the property of the City is properly accounted for and safeguarded from losses. The internal auditor shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by ordinance and perform other auditing services of an official nature as may be required by the council. For the purpose of performing her/his duties, the internal auditor shall have access to the books and records of all offices, departments, boards, commissions and agencies of the City, and it shall be the duty of all officers and employees thereof to supply to her/ him such information and documents in their possession concerning the affairs of the City as he may request.
Staff Secretary/Receptionist
Ileana Murray
Under the DIRECT SUPERVISION OF THE CLERK OF COUNCIL, is responsible for doing advance, technical, clerical and management tasks to relieve the Clerk of routine details relating to the operation of the Clerk’s Office. Assist Clerk of Council in all customary and statutory duties relating to the Clerk’s office, which consist of, but not limited to providing Council Office with sufficient background information to enable it to formulate public policy for the municipality. Also responsible for obtaining pertinent information available on questions or problems that the council or public at large might raise.
Research Coordinator/Council Aide
The research coordinator/council aide who is responsible solely to the City Council assist the Council members in receiving, investigating and responding to constituent’s complaints or requests; assist the Council members in coordinating and planning their district calendars and community meetings; assist the Council members in establishing, maintaining and enhancing neighborhood watch programs within their district; attend various meeting, press conference, briefing and other functions on behalf of the Council members when requested. Collecting information from the Administration and various departments pursuant to request from members of the City Council; conducting research in assigned issued areas pursuant to Council request; preparing staff memorandum clarifying issues presented to the Council; preparing draft resolution and ordinances pursuant to the council request; assist the Council in the preparation of the council budget; and perform other duties as assigned by the City Council Members.