




STATE OF LOUISIANA                                                                             NO.  12,253               

CITY OF MONROE                                                                       


            The following Ordinance was introduced by Mr.  Muhammad                     who moved for its adoption and was seconded by Mr.  McFarland                        :




WHEREAS, the Monroe City Council recognizes the critical importance of addressing violent crime and supporting crime victims in our community; and


WHEREAS, timely notification and ongoing communication are essential for both City officials and crime victims; and


WHEREAS, other cities have implemented successful notification systems and victim support programs;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council, in legal and regular session convened, that:


Section 1. Councilmember Notification. The Councilmember for each respective Council District shall be notified as soon as reasonably practical when a violent crime has been committed within the Councilmember’s District; provided, however, that nothing in this Section shall be construed to require prioritization of this notification requirement over the investigation of violent crime or require the dissemination of confidential or sensitive information related to an investigation. For purposes of this Ordinance, “violent crime” shall have the same meaning as “crime of violence” as defined in La. R.S. 14:2(B).


Section 2. Victim’s Rights. Victims of violent crime have the right to reasonable, accurate, and timely information involving the crime and the right to be notified of the status of the investigation. The victim has the right to designate themselves or a family member as the single point of contact for information related to the crime, and in instances where the victim is unavailable, deceased, or a minor, the victim’s family, if available, shall designate a single point of contact for information related to the crime. For purposes of this Ordinance, “family” means a spouse, parent, child, stepchild, sibling, or legal representative of the victim, except when that person is in custody for an offense, is the defendant, or has been identified as the perpetrator, regardless of whether the person is in custody.


Section 3. Notification. To ensure that crime victims are provided reasonable, accurate, and timely information involving the crime, the City of Monroe shall establish and maintain a victim notification system or policy that provides for updates on case status changes, including case number assignment, incident report creation, the identity of the investigator, arrests of suspects, significant advancements in the case, and the availability of arrest records. The City may require that the victim, or the designated family member, complete a “Louisiana Victim Notice and Registration Form” to receive notifications under this Ordinance. The victim, or the designated family member, shall have the right to request that notifications be provided by telephone, email, text message, or letter.


Section 3. Victim’s Rights Advisory Board. There is hereby created a “Victim’s Rights Advisory Board.” The Advisory Board shall be charged with determining the effectiveness of this Ordinance, including the City’s enforcement of victim’s rights and the dissemination of notifications and information required by this Ordinance. The Advisory Board shall be comprised of six members, each of whom shall serve two-year terms: one member shall be appointed by each Councilmember from among the residents of their District; and one member shall be appointed by the Mayor. The Chief of Police, or his designee, shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Advisory Board.


Section 4. No Cause of Action. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to authorize a cause of action for damages or to create, to enlarge, or to imply any duty or obligation to any victim or other person for the breach of which the City of Monroe or any of its officers or employees could be held liable in damages.


This Ordinance was introduced on December 23, 2024.


            Notice Published on the  27th           day of  December      2024.


This Ordinance having been submitted in writing, introduced and published, was then submitted to a vote as a whole, the vote thereon being as follows:


AYES:            Harvey, Ezernack, Woods, McFarland & Muhammad


NAYS:            None.


ABSENT:       None.


And the Ordinance was declared ADOPTED on January 14, 2025.



Juanita Woods                       


Carolus S. Riley                     



Oliver Friday Ellis                 





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