Public Notices

Public Notices Monroe, LA


   NOTICE  NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Monroe, Louisiana on the following Ordinance, Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber at Monroe City Hall:   Ordinance repealing Ordinance No, 12,192, which purported amended the Monroe City Charter without voter approval, and to restore the Charter to its prior state...

Posted on August 28th, 2024


   NOTICE  NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Monroe, Louisiana on the following Ordinance, Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber at Monroe City Hall:   Ordinance authorizing the City of Monroe to take corporeal possession of and sell to Karen M. Jefferson, all rights, title, and interest that the city may have...

Posted on August 28th, 2024


   NOTICE  NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Monroe, Louisiana on the following Ordinance, Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber at Monroe City Hall:   Ordinance authorizing the City of Monroe to take corporeal possession and sell to Kevin Lee, all rights, title, and interest that the city may have acquired to...

Posted on August 28th, 2024


   NOTICE  NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Monroe, Louisiana on the following Ordinance, Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber at Monroe City Hall:   Ordinance amending and re-enacting Chapter 13 of the Monroe City Code, Entitled Drainage and Flood Control, and further providing with respect thereto...

Posted on August 28th, 2024


   NOTICE  NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Monroe, Louisiana on the following Ordinance, Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber at Monroe City Hall:   Ordinance approving a Lease Agreement between the City of Monroe and Miller International Properties, LLC for the parcel and building located at 507 Wood Street...

Posted on August 28th, 2024


ORDINANCE STATE OF LOUISIANA CITY OF MONROE                                                                        NO.  12,231                             The following Ordinance was introduced by Mr.  McFarland                who moved for its adoption and was seconded by Mr.  Harvey                        : AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A TWO-YEAR EXTENSION OF THE EXISTING AMBULANCE SERVICES AGREEMENT...

Posted on August 28th, 2024

ORD #12,230

ORDINANCE STATE OF LOUISIANA                                                                            NO.  12,230                CITY OF MONROE                                                                                     The following Ordinance was introduced by Mr.  Muhummad                     , who moved for its adoption and was seconded by Mr.  McFarland                     : AN...

Posted on August 28th, 2024

ORD #12,229

ORDINANCE STATE OF LOUISIANA                                                                            NO.  12,229                CITY OF MONROE                                                                                     The following Ordinance was introduced by Mr.  Muhammad                     , who moved for its adoption and was seconded by Mr.  McFarland                     : AN...

Posted on August 28th, 2024


ORDINANCE STATE OF LOUISIANA                                                                            NO. 12,228                 CITY OF MONROE                                                                                     The following Ordinance was introduced by Mr.  McFarland_________________, who moved for its adoption and was seconded by Mr.  Muhammad                               : ...

Posted on August 28th, 2024


ORDINANCE STATE OF LOUISIANA                                                                             NO.  12,234               CITY OF MONROE                                                                                              The following Ordinance was offered by Mr.  Harvey                      who moved for its adoption and was seconded by Mr.  Muhammad                        : AN...

Posted on August 16th, 2024


ORDINANCE STATE OF LOUISIANA                                                                             NO.  12,233               CITY OF MONROE                                                                                    The following Ordinance was introduced by Mr.  McFarland           , who moved for its adoption and was seconded by Mr.  Harvey                              : AN...

Posted on August 16th, 2024


ORDINANCE STATE OF LOUISIANA CITY OF MONROE                                                                        NO.  12,232                            The following Ordinance was introduced by Mr.  Harvey                           who moved for its adoption and was seconded by Mr.  McFarland                                    : AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE AUTHORIZED MILLAGE RATE(S) AND PROVIDING...

Posted on August 16th, 2024


NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on the following Ordinance, Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber at Monroe City Hall:            ORDINANCE STATE OF LOUISIANACITY OF MONROE                                   The following Ordinance was introduced: AN ORDINANCE DECLARING CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE MONROE AIR INDUSTRIAL PARK NO LONGER...

Posted on August 16th, 2024


NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on the following Ordinance, Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber at Monroe City Hall: ORDINANCE STATE OF LOUISIANACITY OF MONROE                                                                          The following Ordinance was introduced. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A LEASE BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONROE AND...

Posted on July 25th, 2024


   NOTICE  NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Monroe, Louisiana on the following Ordinance, Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber at Monroe City Hall:   Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 12,225 (Purchasing and Bidding Procedures) and further providing with respect thereto. (McFarland)                              ...

Posted on July 25th, 2024


   NOTICE  NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Monroe, Louisiana on the following Ordinance, Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber at Monroe City Hall:   Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 12,220 (Special Tax Election) and further providing with respect thereto. (McFarland)                              is on file in...

Posted on July 25th, 2024


   NOTICE  NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Monroe, Louisiana on the following Ordinance, Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber at Monroe City Hall:   Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 12,219 (Video Bingo Tax Rededication) and further providing with respect thereto. (McFarland)                              is on...

Posted on July 25th, 2024


   NOTICE  NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Monroe, Louisiana on the following Ordinance, Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber at Monroe City Hall:   Ordinance authorizing the City of Monroe to take Corporeal Possession of and sell to Kevin Lee all rights, title, and interest that the City may have acquired to...

Posted on July 25th, 2024


   NOTICE  NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Monroe, Louisiana on the following Ordinance, Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber at Monroe City Hall:   Ordinance approving a two-year extension of the existing Ambulance Services Agreement with Acadian Ambulance Service, Inc.  and further providing with respect...

Posted on July 25th, 2024

ORD #12,227

 ORDINANCE                                   STATE OF LOUISIANA                                                                            NO.  12,227                CITY OF MONROE                                                                                               The following Ordinance was offered by Mr.  McFarland                      who moved for its adoption and was seconded by Mr...

Posted on July 25th, 2024