Ordinance #12,140

NO. 12,140

The following Ordinance was offered by Marshall who moved for its adoption and was seconded by Harvey:


WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monroe has held its Public Hearing with respect to the following proposed Zoning Map Amendment, to-wit:

An amendment to the Zoning Map to rezone a ±6.149-acre tract of land, from being B-3 (General Business/Commercial) District to the I-1 (Industrial Business) District, for the applicant to locate 3-strands of barbed wire across the top of a 6’ foot high chain fence, for security purposes, at 430 Ouachita Avenue.

430 Ouachita Avenue, Monroe, LA   71201

A 4.38-acre tract of land located in Layton’s 2nd Addition or Railroad Addition, beginning 75 ft southwest of southwest corner of 12 & 75 feet northeast of northeast corner Block 20 northeast 300.67 feet, southeast 45.2 feet, southeast 279 feet to an iron pin that is 25 feet at the west point of beginning, south along curve 617.89 feet, northwest 674.9 feet to the beginning.

500 Ouachita Avenue, Monroe, LA   71201

A 1.769-acre tract of land located in Layton’s 2nd Addition from iron pin being south 43 degrees east 75 feet, from the southwest corner of Block 12 and north 46 degrees east 75 feet from the northeast corner of Houston, Central Arkansas & Northern Railroad Company property, Conveyance Book 29-376, formerly the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company; north 46 degrees 545.96 feet to an iron rod located 25 feet from the c/l of main line track of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, southwardly along the arc of curve 25 feet west from the c/l of main line tract of the Union Pacific Railroad Company 113.91 feet, said curve with a radius of 5,754.65 feet, chord bearing south 12 degrees west 113.89 feet, to an intersection with a 6’ foot chain link fence crossing said offset line from the centerline of the main line track of the Union Pacific Railroad Company south 79 degrees east 1.83 feet, south 10 degrees 23 west 129.57 feet, to the fence corner that northwest, south 11 degrees west 148.41feet, to a point that is 25 feet west from Union Pacific Railroad main line track, southwardly along arc of said curve being 25 feet westerly from the centerline of said main line track of the Union Pacific Railroad Company 75.33 feet, said curve being 1 degree curve with a radius of 5,754.65 feet, chord bearing south 8 degrees west 75.33 feet, to a point from which 3/4” iron pipe bears north 79 degrees north 79 west 1.22 feet, said point being the northeast property corner of the Coor’s of Northeast Louisiana, Inc.; North 79 degrees west along common northerly property line of the said Coor’s Property, a distance of 280.14 feet, north 43 degrees west 45.33 feet to the beginning K/A Union Pacific Railroad Company – improvement on Choice Brands improvement located on ID #63612 R#55183

APPLICANT: Brennan Castello (MA 108-22)

WHEREAS, the City Council has further considered the report of the Monroe Planning Commission recommending approval, on a 4-0-1 majority vote. The applicant wishes to operate a roofing supply company. The B-3 (General Business/Commercial) District is not the appropriate zoning district for the applicant to locate 3-strands of barbed wire across the top of a 6’ foot high chain fence, for security purposes.


BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Monroe, Louisiana in legal session convened that the Zoning Map of the City of Monroe and the boundaries thereof which map is described in Section 37-34 of the City of Monroe Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and which map shown the Zoning Districts and Boundaries thereof, be and the same are hereby amended to rezone the ±6.149-acres described to I-1 (Industrial Business) District as shown on the map which is attached hereto and made a part thereof and which is adopted as the new Zoning Map of the City of Monroe.

This ordinance was INTRODUCED on the 13th day of September 2022.

NOTICE PUBLISHED on the  16th, 19th & 21st day of September 2022.

This Ordinance having been submitted in writing, introduced, and published was then submitted to a final vote as a whole, the vote thereon being as follows:

AYES: Harvey, Woods, Marshall & Dawson

NAYS: None.


ABSTAIN: Ezernack

And the Ordinance was declared ADOPTED on the  27th day of September, 2022.


Kema Dawson


Carolus S. Riley


Oliver Friday Ellis




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